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Computer Concepts

Info: Quest Specialty Travel bought Sheehan Tours and is updating them to Quest's business practice with the help of Kevin Brien.

Types of Computers

*Computers are electronic devices used to process direction and manipulate info according to (classified by size, speed, and capabilities).

Personal Computer: used by single user (home/office)

Simple tasks include- word, numbers, photo and graphics, e-mail, Internet access, and search engines.

Available in: desktop, notebook, or tablet PC

Mainframe: used by larger businesses/government

Holds large amount of data,

Cost Varies from $100,000 to multi-millions

Largest and fastest is a Supercomputer

Estimated cost $10million

Uses terminals to input and output data (keyboard - input/Monitor - output)

Terminal emulator is PC to Mainframe/SC personal workstation using special software.


*Design/construction: architecture/configuration

Specifications: details of each hardware component

Print speed of 8 pages per minute

Data: words, numbers, figures, sounds, etc.

modifying is known as processing

Processing: occurs on the motherboard

main electric component

Microprocessor: (Central Processing Unit [CPU] )

Circuits on silicon chip

Cards: removable circuit boards

Example: sound card: digital auto device Input/Output

Computer itself has processing functions but need additional components called peripheral devices.

Peripheral Devices: input, output and storage(/: f) consist of commands

Microprocessor determined by clock speed which is measured in megahertz and gigahertz

Word size refers to the amount of data processing.

Duel-Core Processor: one that has two single chips that can process 2x as fast. (multitasking)

Single-Core Processor: one chip for processing.

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